Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Return of The Jedi

Okay, I am starting to find it odd that I come up with a new post almost annually. Maybe third times a charm... Fingers crossed.

So last Christmas (I realize its almost June and Christmas was forever ago but HEY! I get busy) a very near and dear family friend gave me a home made scrapbook. It contained almost every Facebook post I've made from the year prior. The note at the end said "Heather, you have an amazing gift... Writing! I hope that when you read this book it encourages you to write more! :) I'll be looking for more! Made with love? Victoria 2012" Well here I am. Trying to think of something worthy of sharing with the world. How about a few of those Facebook posts my loving friend chose to scrapbook? That way we can kind of recap my past year through, well... ME.

"I finally decided what I am going to do with my life. Its going to be a fun ride. Wish me luck!"
Well that didn't work out. I was planning on going to school to be an x-ray technician. I am happy to report that things fell through and I am perfectly happy with it.

"Just woke up from possibly the most glorious nap I've ever taken. Getting out of bed has never been more difficult. Wish me luck."
I still nap every chance I get. I am sure that once I am wifed up and have six children naps will be a thing of the past. Taking advantage of it while I still can.

"Its official!!! I am moving into an amazing little apartment with my best friend next Monday! I am the happiest girl in the world!"
That might've been the best day of my life!! More on that topic later.

"Independent living scary moment #1: (I say #1 because I am sure its the first of many) Having to do battle with the giant trash compactor. I was never warned nor trained on this machine. I feel the need to warn any other member of society about this beast. Be careful when opening the door to toss in your trash, massive amounts of bugs will fly out at you. Once you let the door close, it will make terrifying noises resembling death rattles or someone being murdered. This is normal (I'm not sure it is). Also beware of its abilities to pinch you. You've been warned."
Well.... yeah. That happened.

"Independent living scary moment #2: moving a rolled mattress up three flights of stairs and opening it. The first part, moving a rolled mattress up three flights of stairs, well that just sucks. The latter of the two.. Well let's just say the experience is quite like opening a can of peanuts and having a spring loaded noodle shoot out. Slightly terrifying yet oddly hysterical. Needless to say I am so thankful to finally have my bed! Even if it scared the daylights out of me."
That also happened.

"Actually left the house without looking in a mirror this morning. Watch out world!"
I find the older I get the more frequent days like this are.

Adjective: (of a person, attitude, or action) Not showing a proper sense of responsibility. Transferring savings for online shopping.
Noun: An irresponsible person spends her savings at Amazon.com."

I am proud to say that I am officially in control of my funds, even whilst websites like Groupon and Amazon exist.

"No shave November, making every girl that's attracted to scruffy men happy since whenever it started."
Can it please be November?

"If I can survive the next seven hours, I am going to reward myself with a bottle of wine. A BOTTLE, not a glass."
Retail in November has that effect on me.

"Crockpot meals: a sure fire way to drive a person with a day off insane. Six more hours of smelling this wonderful food and not being able to eat it."
Maybe I will share some recipes!!

And lastly...
"I'm beginning to realize how much I self medicate with tea. A rough day and I'm constantly holding a mug or earl grey."
As I type this my tea is sitting in my lap.

Well that was my year in review. Maybe my next post will be slightly shorter considering I don't plan on waiting an entire year before my next update.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hey Blogosphere! Sorry for the brief absence, but believe it or not I am still here, in the ice cream isle. Ironically, curled up with my laptop and a horribly sad romantic movie.  So since our last update, I have finally turned twenty one and gave the whole bar/club scene a try. Not to sound all hoity or anything, but I was right… bars are not the place to meet Mr. Right. Anyway, as I navigate my way through this hell hole called “dating” I do have a few friends by my side, I like to refer to them as the council. All knowing and wise as can be. It’s an assortment of women I go to coffee with once a week, they range in ages nineteen to thirty-five and I trust them whole heartedly. So here’s my dilemma, one of my council women has a roommate, he is her fiancés best friend. I can see where she’s coming from, friends dating friends would be perfect. We would go out and stay in and have an amazing time. Well so I meet this roommate and we actually hit it off pretty well. The same weekend I met the roommate, I was at a house party and met this other guy, we’ll call him Vaughn. Oh and while I’m at it we should probably name the roommate, how about Brent? Anyways back to Vaughn, we also hit it off pretty well, maybe even better than Brent and I. Needless to say I am torn between the two; the idea of best friends dating best friends is so exciting. Yet there’s this thought in the back of my head screaming what ifs at me. What if he is Mr. Right and what if he isn’t but the other guy is. There needs to be a hand book for these kinds of things. This is exactly why I have my council of women and even they are split down the middle. What’s a girl to do? I think I’ve decided to head to the ice cream isle for another pint and maybe Ben and Jerry will help me sort things out. Unless you guys want to chime in?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yes to the Dress? In the ice cream isle?

So that show on TLC, Say Yes To The Dress, it some how found its way into my Netflix queue. Like any other 20 something, whose single, has the day off and is way to broke to go anywhere, I had a marathon (which included a pint of Ben & Jerry's: Late Night Snack). By the sixth episode I realized, I too wanted a wedding and a gorgeous dress. But I haven't even had a boyfriend since high school. So where does a girl my age go to meet a guy? I'm just shy of my 21st birthday, so a bar or club is out of the question. The only places I go are to work and WalMart. I really don't think I will be meeting the man of my dreams in my sweats at midnight in the ice cream isle of Walmart, most likely holding a pint of ice cream. A girl can hope, right? So I have decided that after my birthday I will make an effort to get myself out there, Mr.Perfect isn't going to be in the ice cream isle, or is he? Either way I need to get out of my funk and my comfort zone, which most certainly is not a bar or club. So in an effort to find a man, and eventually say "yes to the dress" I am making this my year! Hello world!! I am officially dating again, I think? But for the next three months I will be blogging from the ice cream isle, probably in my sweats. Hopefully the world is listening and will weigh in on my ups and downs.